Thursday 15 April 2010

* a life changing decision *

It was almost two years ago I had to make a decision on what I wanted to do with my life as I had 'retired' from a very hectic and amiably jet setting career of more than ten years. Knowing my past job experiences prior to my last, I had somewhat dabbled in many hospitality & service related industries to know what I was not looking for. I had several good offers but nine to five was simply not my cup of tea to start with. A position at a store or behind a desk would drive me to tears of boredom...really.

Also, I wanted to do something where I need not worry spending on accessories and travel so as to make up the big drop compared to the last income I was so used to for awhile.

So a list was drawn and it all seemed rather ridiculous but with today's economic woes, I had to be sure I did not make myself miserable simply in the pursuit of cash to offset monthly bills.

The List :
1. No travel costs if possible meaning within walking distance.
2. Uniform provided - save on clothes & etc.
3. Meals provided or at least within easy walking distance of cheap and good eateries.
4. Pay cheque of at least four figures above 2K.
5. Reasonable working hours.
6. No sales or marketing positions as I have guilt syndrome at sales. ;P

Well, that is what I can remember listing and yes, it does look like a page out of Scrooge's handbook but I was trying to be 'practical'. Now, what would be suitable for a list like that?

My former job kept me away from home most of the time, leaving me feeling like the maid at home when I got back because I'd have to clean each time I got back or put off for the next time as I was too tired this time and on one or two occassions... had dust I could actually ski on without skis!

My fridge had many friendly molds after a few trips as I seldom get the chance to sit and enjoy the stuff I bought to try. Giving away food treats was sometimes a pain as I can't find the right time to meet up and pass over and then they would expire when I do get a chance and yet... I still bought them.

My washing would pile up if my days are way too hectic and I'd have to do them asap before I walk out the door again. Good thing then, we already had good detergents to prevent clothes from smelling when dried indoors.

My plants....some would be tired and lifeless when I got back, some would just die of lacking attention. So I decided to get 'hardy', non flowering plants and that too sometimes turned out disastrous! Even the easy ones can die on me!! Sigh....

Yet I cannot complain about my last job because it paid me on time every month; gave me a comfortable enough life; took me places I now have no time for; had opportunities to meet with all kinds of people from all walks of life...well, almost; gave me a chance to try out different types of foods around the world; gave me knowledge to shop better; taught me how to handle sticky situations with different types of characters; made me learn to control myself and made me a more patient and tolerant person and most of all, made me appreciate home a lot more than before.

Finally I decided the best move was to stay home and be a nanny and soon as I got my first two kids, I was blessed with their cousin and before the year was out, a fourth girl. It is girl power here since and I have never looked back on my decision. A move I thought would be a trial at first but I am loving every minute of it.

So it is with this inner joy I'm given everyday seeing them every morning especially the youngest who is my first baby....I am inspired to fill this blog with stories of our ups and downs to share and laugh with you.

Stay tuned for the next blog. Cheers!

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