Sunday 22 August 2010

* The dawn of the terrible twos *

B turned two late August and I noticed three days before her birthday she was beginning to show a 'monsterish' side of her. Granted I had accepted her to be the ultimate chillie padi (adjectively used to describe a fiery temper)
and am quite prepared to face battles with her in future... yet, it had come sooner than I expected.

Mostly she's a darling with her singing and endless chatter and chiding, playful yet wilful on occassions...quite a test on some days where you have to think before you speak so as to get her to do as told before it turns into a screaming match instead!

Yes these days she clenches her fists and gives a short scream when she wants her way. Given my mood at that time I would either ignore and carry on; chide her in my normal tone to stop and do as told; chide a second time in a warning tone if she does not stop with a smack threat to follow.

Then I either loudly tell her to stop and reason with her logically or distractedly (changing the subject) or walk off to leave her on her own. I usually prefer the former as she eventually realises she's losing the battle and concedes with tears and " I want nanny ayang me! " where I would open my arms to her and we hug and rub each other's backs! Effectively I gently tell her why I shouted and what she'd done and we have this mutual silent apology exchange and all's forgotten. :)

She loves to play and sometimes getting dressed takes longer than usual as she tries to make you catch her or fights for what she prefers to wear!

Yes, she is fast learning to tell you what she wants exactly and how she likes it and if it is within good reason, I say it's okay. But if it's selfish and out of context..... get ready for battle.

It is I tell you, the dawn of the terrible twos and so far I have survived! ;P

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